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Quay Stores and the Green Ravine | Milford

Bats take centre stage

The redevelopment of Milford Docks has been greatly influenced by the presence of a number of rare bat communities who commute along the cliffs between the SACs on local, wooded rivers (or Pills).  This route runs along the rocky, harbour edge, between the Georgian Town and docks below. As bat species have different flying heights, feeding habits, and behaviors a diverse habitat and nature conservation-driven response to the planting and screening of light sources were employed.

The route of the old railway line made a logical, level, the pedestrian path to connect the railway station to the new Milford Waterfront at the heart of the regenerated dock.   En route, Quay Stores is to become a dining and multi-purpose venue for events and performances.  A paved courtyard leading off the ravine provides the new building entrance.  Historic tunnels under Hamilton Terrace will be shielded to prevent light spill and enhanced by a dynamic, lighting display, turning a dank and unprepossessing route into an attraction in its own right.

Key features

  • Protected and enhanced bat commuting route along the harbour cliff edge
  • Light and potential disturbance carefully orchestrated to reduce impact
  • Nature conservation and biodiversity key drivers for design
  • New pedestrian routes along the old railway line successfully consented
  • Regenerated tunnels becoming lighting attraction

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