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Private Garden | Bristol

A new, private garden to reflect the style of the planned house and its historic surroundings

An existing walled garden which is the proposed site of a new dwelling. This new garden will reflect the contemporary style of the proposed building design and be subdivided into different zones to mirror aspects of the house and its use.

The front door to the new house will be framed by a welcoming planted area, with glimpses through to the main garden beyond.  Caught between the existing stone wall and the west side of the house a new gravel garden will be planted with dry and heat-tolerant plants, with a Mediterranean feel.

Within the main core of the garden, a strong focus will be created towards the house’s central living space with lawns and raised hedges running away to art installations on the eastern boundary.  Raised beds and space for vegetable growing will be located to the north.  As part of permaculture principles, the growing space is visible and easily accessible from the house, to ensure that maintenance is easy and intuitively carried out.

Providing space for nature has been an important client requirement, especially to support the resident bat population who will be moved into an existing bothy, built into the inside of the stone wall. A broad wildflower meadow that completes the whole of the north end of the site will support pollinators as well as the bats and create a soft natural culmination to the garden design.

Key features

  • An area of well-maintained grass for relaxation and softness
  • ‘Art screen’ fences
  • A welcoming and planted entrance
  • Strong structural aesthetic

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